Genre: Action
Perspective: 1st-person, Behind view
Vehicular: Flight / aviation, Vehicular combat
Published by: Namco Hometek Inc.
Developed by: Namco Limited
Released: 1995
Platform: PlayStation (PSX, PS1)
... Fasten your seat belts, focus and get ready for takeoff! Ace Combat is a dizzying, addictive flight simulation created for the PlayStation system. Magnificent 3D graphics, crazy speeds, precisely calibrated actions create such a realistic feeling of flight that you even seem to experience inertia on turns! The control system is very simple and effective (reminiscent of the famous arcade hit by SEGA - “After Burner”). You have to complete 17 different tasks - air battles with air, sea and ground opponents. You need to complete the tasks in a certain order: the map will show you the place of your next departure each time. Some flights take place at night - here you need to be especially careful, relying on your pilot's intuition. In night battles, special cards will help you. You can choose from two points of observation of the action - outside the plane and from the cockpit. In the second case, you have to carefully monitor the instruments and indicators of your coordinates and altitude in order to stay on the intended route and not accidentally crash into a mountain or high-rise structure. Sometimes you will even hear the excited voice of your partner pilot shouting something in your ear. The main thing is to remember that if the target is even barely looming on the horizon, you have a chance to destroy it.