Genre: Action, Racing / driving
Perspective: 1st-person, Behind view
Interface: Direct control
Setting: Sci-fi / futuristic
Published by: Acclaim Entertainment
Developed by: Probe Entertainment Ltd.
Released: 1997
Platform: Nintendo 64 (N64)
Game has 13 circuits, three per theme (Desert / Mountain, Town, Cave, Science-fiction) and a bonus. In addition, it is playable up to four players simultaneously, if we have four controllers, and two players in grand prix mode.
Game system
It is a motorcycle racing game, in a futuristic style where the vehicle is fully bodied (indeed, we do not see the driver). We participate in cups that unlock multiplayer circuits as well as more efficient motorcycles.
It had a single player championship, single race and time trial mode. In multiplayer, he had the same possibilities, the most interesting being that of making a two-player championship, but also a combat mode in four arenas provided for this purpose.